The method

The world has changed, evolved...

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Over time, science and the world have evolved and changed.
Today, in some places, artificial intelligence is doing our work for us.
Just as science has changed, human consciousness has changed and evolved.
We have now reached the point where we are able to understand the workings of the human mind and to find the true, original consciousness within man.

So far, the greatest obstacle to people overcoming their difficulties has been that no one has been able to pinpoint the mind itself that was the cause of their difficulties.

All things come into the world and exist as they are.
People come into the world in the same way, but their minds are not in harmony with the real world. People build their own world of mind and live in it. Their own mind-world overlaps with the real world, so they mistakenly think they are living in the real world, but they are really only in their own mind-world.

If they purify this own thought world, they can find the true, original consciousness within themselves. Then you can live happily with the real mind, in harmony with the real world.

The human mind is a world of images, not real, illusory, false. Why?

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The human body works like an automatic camera.
From birth, it uses its five senses (eyes, nose, mouth, ears and whole body) to take pictures of its life and the world around it and stores these copies in the mind.

Looking back over our lives, we see that everything is stored in us as images, as memories.
Because our minds are attached to negative images with emotions and thoughts, these
comes from these images:

That’s how we’ve lived until now.
But the world has changed, evolved.
Now there is a method to understand the negative mind, its structure and how it works, and once we understand it, we can use this method to purify it.


leveles elválasztó

The meditation method of purification consists of seven levels.
By doing this, the mind is cleared step by step. We extract the images, the illusionary world of thought. The question may arise, “Will this also take away our good experiences and memories?”. The images are not erased from memory, they are only transformed into awareness. We are freed from attachment.

After completing the first level, the true mind can be recognised within yourself.
As the meditator progresses from level to level, realizations come naturally and from within, as awareness grows.
The negative mind and tens of thousands of thoughts will also disappear by the seventh level.
Then the habits inherited from our parents, from our ancestors, will be cleansed, eliminated.

As we go from level to level, our consciousness rises and we realize that the real mind is within us and we realize that all the answers are within us. This is wisdom.

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a módszer meditáció eredménye

Where does the method come from?

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This method originated in Asia, in South Korea.
It is an easy-to-follow meditation method that can be followed by anyone, regardless of age or meditation experience.
This method is not a religion, not an ideology and not a philosophy.
It is just a pure method to clear the mind and find the Truth within oneself.

It started in 1996 after a man named Woo Myung achieved full enlightenment.
From then on, he has spent the last two decades developing and perfecting the method to complete the minds of others.

Over the years, the method has evolved and from 2012 to now, thousands of people have done the method and the number is growing.

The process itself is spreading in the world through people’s willingness to help.
Because of their own positive change, they are volunteering wholeheartedly to share this most important message with the world: here is the method that makes a real difference!